Author's Message

I am delighted to have you visit my site!

Hey, you're new here! I love new people, welcome.

I am Jake S. Olsim. I am currently working under a health research organization but I'm also into blogging and photography (just a hobby). Born with an insatiable curiosity about the world, I’m passionate about documenting issues related to the human condition, culture, and humanity’s interactions with the natural world. My strongest abilities are listening, connecting, and collaborating with people from different backgrounds while my style and approach is simple, authentic and has a strong focus on visual story telling.
This page contains articles and infographics focusing about Cordillera culture relative with health related researches, and some of the government programs with focus on the geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas.

I am very glad to welcome you to join me as we share ideas, thoughts, and stories. This page may not be as perfect as you hoped for, but I assure you that will find here valuable articles, and multimedia output which might help you in some ways.

Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, or even ask questions perhaps – 'cause this is what this page is all about -- knowledge sharing! So, just sit back, read, and enjoy! Thank you for visiting my page. 

Contact Jake: 
                   Send me message on Facebook!